Of Furs, Hairs, Trips, and the Boss!

My dear furrier friend Alan told me that I should write a book of my travel adventures, because I am a world traveler, this past Tuesday, when I brought my furs, coats all, some w trim only…into storage on Long Island. He & I go way back in time, and he even knew my mother, when she used to come w me to the Maximilian Fur Salon at Bloomingdale’s, so happy she was there, being the center of attention in a luxurious place. Mom used to be the fur maven then, and I shied away from it, because it wasn’t my station in life at that point. I feared being too conspicuous, and attracting the wrong kind of attention, while I still worked for a living. Certainly, even further back, a person didn’t wear fur on the MTA, on city buses or subways…it was an advertisement that u were wealthy. These days, I am far removed from that earlier life, and not likely to go back. I love petting fur, also on live animals. I am conflicted because I love animals too, and very much enjoy visiting my friends, who all own pets at home, or in alternate houses they visit, like Marna. I am not exactly a killer of animals, but my purchases, tho very infrequent, do support the culling of minks, foxes, and even some accessories like a variety of fur hats, of seal, coyote, mink, etc. I have gotten some hats from faraway destinations even: Alaska, Iceland, even alpaca (sustainable tho, that one), from Martha’s Vineyard, as a gift! I love hats from a style viewpoint as well as 4 warmth, when it gets bad out in winter. I stay in a cold climate here in NYC because my friends as family all surround me here, within driving distance of their homes, so we can get together periodically. Each winter, I do plan trips also, to escape it temporarily, to be somewhere warm…and I manage it all, even as I hibernate at home a lot in winter.

I would write a book if I thought that people were interested in it. I don’t believe that is so though. Nothing more boring than a person who goes on and on about their fairytale life of world travels, even when some of the places r also domestic. It draws attention to your lifestyle also, which may be unwise as well. But I am a solitary person and do like attention as well, in some form. Everyone needs people in their life, right? What if u go day by day in a long life, and have no contact w people? Like no conversations, no video calls, no visits, and the only contact is by text or online? And u live alone, now at year 9, since my mom’s passing away. Actually Halloween isn’t here yet, but it’s counting down to the anniversary of her death, in Year 9. She died in 2014.

Such is a life of complete freedom, and that includes freedom from caregiving duties as well. So I am totally free to do as I please, since that watershed event. I have no responsibilities anymore, as to caregiving for anyone, as my entire nuclear family is now gone from this Earthly plane. So while some would consider that sad, it is also very freeing, as to deciding whether to order delivery for a meal, whether to cook, setting up trips all over the US and outside it, hosting parties, going to charity galas, contributing to good causes, like health care institutions, schools, disaster relief, just generally making the world a better place, thru philanthropy. It feels good too. I do good for my peeps also, to make it better 4 them too, because I see how an ordinary person lacks certain things, often, in this life. Been there, done that too. I have empathy because I lacked in the former life, a lot. It made me a better person overall, this life path, to have done without, and being in significant suffering even. I seek to ameliorate it in others now, as a consequence.

I am amazed also at how my hair falls out daily, some few hairs, not pulled out, just falling out…spontaneously. It used to drive my mom nuts that my hair did that, that she felt like there was a dog in the apartment, so much hair everywhere! But it was beyond my ability to control it. Even these days, and all thru my life, some hairs fall out daily. But yet, I appear to have escaped my genes also: both my mom and dad had a lack of hair, thru their adult lives. Dad was typical male pattern baldness; mom was a victim of some alopecia, perhaps due to using birth control pills for many years (?) She needed her hair teased up a lot at the hairdresser to make it look fuller. When she couldn’t afford to go to the hairdresser, it was truly a shame, seeing her hair in its wisps, flat and lots of bald spots, even tho mom never got cancer. So how do I have a full head of hair then, w this parental background?? Not that my hair is thick, but it’s certainly in the realm of normal thickness and length, and looks pretty even at times. I am satisfied w it, even if I shed daily, not unlike the aforementioned dogs in this text. I need the occasional grooming too. I post myself a lot, as I like my image overall, even tho I am plump. I say if u don’t like my frame, either unfollow or unfriend me on Facebook. I don’t keep my body in a certain way 4 u, but instead 4 me. I have a purpose in being plump actually. I fear my genetics overall, given my parents’ health and causes of death, so I want to escape the worst of what befell them. Thus I have even done an analysis of how long is the upper limit of life span for a person of my girth, and have concluded that age 75 is the upper limit of life for a person w my health status, and size. If it is sooner than that, that is all right too. I value quality of life over quantity. Everyone who knows me knows my philosophy.

But in the meantime, I’m having the time of my life! I don’t want it to end, yet. Got some more trips, hairdos and good deeds to do, for the world, and my dear peeps, who surround me, in the wonderful City of New York. Even if they aren’t all in the City, they r within my driving distance. I have enough reason to go on, these days, as I approach age 59. Take a look at me, fresh at the Beauty Salon, sporting a new do or in my extreme element, seeing Bruce Springsteen w the E Street Band in concert, again! That was April 3, 2023, in Brooklyn NY. I was high for weeks after that! Even now playing back recorded videos, some 11 days ago.